Map of Idaho
ICHA Acronym


"Working toward educational, economic, and social equality for Hispanics in Idaho"


Hispanic Population Statistics by County

Idaho Total PopulationIdaho Hispanic Population% Latino

* Population numbers based on 2019 statistics.

Where do we live? We live everywhere!

Computer Worker
  • The 2010 Census American Fact Finder shows that at least
    45,069 Hispanics reside in Canyon County,
  • This demonstrates that 23.9% of the Hispanic population is living in Canyon County.

Top Ten Counties by Total Hispanic Population:

  • Canyon: 49,941
  • Ada: 32,905
  • Twin Falls: 12,235
  • Bingham: 8,037
  • Jerome: 7,622
  • Minidoka: 6,869
  • Cassia: 6,248
  • Kootenai: 6,219
  • Blaine: 4,444
  • Elmore: 4,204
Totals updated 7/5/2011

Are we "Spanish", "Hispanic", "Latino", "Chicano", or "Mexican"?

These terms are used interchangeably. Some of us identify with all five terms while others may identify with only one of these terms. Cowboy
  • The term "Spanish" is used frequently in the United States to refer indiscriminately to any person that speaks Spanish. This term is the proper name for the native people of Spain.
  • The term "Hispanic" is often used to refer collectively to all Spanish-speakers. However, as many people who speak Spanish are not of true Spanish descent, and millions live in Latin America. This term is incorrect as a collective name for all Spanish-speakers, and may actually be cause for offense.
  • The term "Latino" are those who originate from, or have a heritage related to, Latin America (in recognition of the fact that this set of people is actually a superset of many nationalities). This term is widely accepted by most.
  • The term "Chicano" are those who categorize themselves amongst the era of the Chicano "brown power" movement of the 60's and 70' in the US Southwest. The term was appropriated by Mexican-American activists who took part in the movement. The word "Chicano" is traced to the 1930 and 40's period, when poor rural Mexicans, often native Americans, were imported to the US to provide cheap field labor, under an agreement of the governments of both countries. The term seems to have come into first use in the fields of California.
  • The term "Mexican" are those specifically who were born in Mexico. Therefore, the term is used appropriately for Mexican citizens.
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